Glossary of Terms
This glossary of terms contains definitions of commonly used terminology found on the AIM website and other AIM collertal and portals such as myAIM and myABS.
AIM Access provides customers with personalised development at scale through subscription access to AIM face-to-face short courses at five campuses across Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Canberra
AIM Public Sector powered by the Centre for Public Management (CPM) offers custom leadership development programs to Federal, State and Local governments across Australia. CPM is a values-based organisation driven to ensure individuals within the public service deliver the best possible outcomes for themselves and others. CPM has unique resources and experience, featuring a rich 28-year history in growing management and leadership capability across the public sector.
Assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements about a student’s achievement or performance. For Vocational Qualifications, judgement is made against set standards of competency as outlined in each training package located on the National Register of VET.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) provides the standards for Australian qualifications and is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. The AQF levels define the relative complexity and depth of achievement and the autonomy required of graduates to demonstrate that achievement. In the AQF there are 10 levels with level 10 having the highest complexity. The levels are defined by criteria expressed as learning outcomes.
Blended Learning is our Higher Education study option that allows students to mix on-campus and online options to suit their situation at anygiven time.
Census Date is the deadline for a student enrolled in a Higher Education course to submit their Request for Commonwealth assistance form (eCAF) to access FEE-HELP. Students must formally withdraw from any units of competency by no later than the published census date in order to not incur tuition fees for that study period.
Credential is the acknowledgement that you have invested time in developing your skills with AIM. A credential is awarded by completing 2 core and 1 elective short courses within a 12-month period.
Credit Transfer refers to credit granted on the basis of previously attained qualifications or units of competency. Individuals who have completed an identical unit/s at another RTO or with AIM, can apply for Credit Transfer.
Core Units are the units of competency identified within a vocational training package or approved higher education qualification that are mandatory for a student to complete.
FEE-HELP is an Australian Government loan program for eligible students through which to pay their tuition fees for Higher Education courses. For more information on FEE-HELP students can read more at
Module is a method of presenting and grouping course materials in a linear fashion which in turn enables students to progress through a course in a logical and structured manner.
myABS is an online learning management system for AIM Business School that offers a community approach to self-directed study and provides our Higher Education students with the opportunity to share their experiences, ideas and questions through features such as live chat forums and integrated social media platforms. Visit myABS
myAIM is a state-of-the-art online learning management system that offers a community approach to self-directed study and provides students with the opportunity to share their experiences, ideas and questions through features such as live chat forums and integrated social media platforms. Visit myAIM
On-Campus Workshops allow students to benefit from sharing experiences, ideas and questions in class with their peers and AIM’s expert facilitators, along with the access to myAIM.
AIM Online Short Course is a set of learning modules that are non-accredited and do not contain assessments. The modules are accessed online by a student via AIM’s online learning management system myAIM.
Online Study is a flexible and convenient delivery mode that gives students access to a dedicated online class space which contains materials for independent learning through self-paced, online modules.
Pre-Selected Electives within vocational qualifications refer to those elective units which have been pre-selected for students in consultation with industry experts.
Qualification is a formal certification, issued by a relevant approved body, in recognition that a person has achieved learning outcomes or competencies relevant to identified individual, professional, industry or commercial needs.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process that assesses an individual’s formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a vocational qualification or a higher education course.
Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is an organisation registered with the national regulator to deliver and assess nationally recognised training and issue nationally recognised VET qualifications.
Statement of Attainment is the formal certification issued by a Registered Training Organisation that confirms a student’s attainment of competencies within a training package
Tailored Learning Solutions refer to if you have several people wanting to study, AIM can develop a program for your organisation including contextualising it to your own business or industry.
Tertiary Education Quality of Standards Agency (TEQSA) is Australia’s independent national regulator of the higher education sector.
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia’s vocation education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.
Training Packages are sets of nationally endorsed standards, guidelines and qualifications for recognising and assessing your skills. They describe the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace for a particular industry or group.
Units of Competency is the term used within the vocational education system to describe the required skills and competencies that a student must meet as an outcome of their learning. It represents the minimum standard at which the skills and knowledge must be applied.
Workplace Project or Workplace Application usually requires the completion of a number of tasks, and presentation of evidence to demonstrate competence, as part of an assessment process. The workplace project is one of the most relevant ways to assess how well knowledge and skills gained in the classroom are transferred to the workplace.
ZipMoney is AIM’s finance partner that students may use to defer all or part of their tuition fees with flexible payment options.