AIM opens new campus in the Adelaide CBD

The Australian Institute of Management recently hosted the official opening of their new Adelaide campus at 83 Currie St. AIM’s move from the old facility at Port Road in Hindmarsh to their new facilities in the Adelaide CBD is designed to provide a more central and convenient location for their clients, students and members.
On hand to celebrate the official opening was Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, Katrine Hildyard MP (inside left) and Training and Skills Commission Chair (TASC), Anthony Kittel (far right).
Scentia Executive Director of Operations, Roger Burgess (centre) said the move was about putting the needs of AIM’s clients first.
“AIM is absolutely committed to building on the proud legacy we have of providing high quality leadership and management education here in South Australia and we’re very excited to be welcoming the South Australian business community to the new campus,” Mr Burgess said.
Katrine Hildyard MP praised the move by AIM and reinforced how important leadership and management skills and training were to the South Australian economy.
“As the South Australian economy goes through an ongoing transition, it’s essential that our managers and leaders in every industry get the skills and qualifications they need to achieve their potential.”
TASC Chair and Chief Executive of REDARC, Anthony Kittel said that leadership and management qualifications such as those offered by AIM were amongst the top 10 qualifications identified by the recent Commission report on industry priorities.
“The commission’s analysis also showed that small employers and those employers expecting strong growth, identified management skills in their top priorities,” Mr Kittel said.
“We need people to have access to qualifications that are in demand from employers and we need people, as a critical input to business growth, to be able to take advantage of emerging employment opportunities.”