After all the time you lost to the chaos of 2020, it is important that you create a precise professional development plan for 2021 so that you can reclaim your time and take command of your career trajectory. This guide will help you to do so.
We live in an unequivocally digital world, one where the majority of customer journeys begin online, regardless of where the final purchase is made. It has become essential for all businesses to have a digital presence to build their brand and reach new customers. Here’s how you can get started.
When Agile was born in 2001, no-one expected it to be used outside of the software development industry. Now it has evolved into project management methodology and informs the very structure of organisations. But why is it so popular?
Every organisation has shared commentary on the traumatic and divisive events of 2020. These are plain but palatable in limited doses, but it’s clear that many are nothing more than empty words devoid of an authentic will to action.
Self-awareness is a critical skill for everyone’s personal and professional life. It is a core underpinning of emotional intelligence, which drives our ability to communicate and collaborate with other individuals. For any role that involves working with people, especially in a management position, being self-aware will provide immeasurable value.
It seemed that whether organisations liked it or not, due to worker demand, the future of work would unequivocally be remote. Then COVID-19 struck and suddenly many of us were forced to work remotely, and to conduct the entirety of our work remotely on top of that. What does this mean for employees and organisations as we navigate the "new normal"?
By: Jason Murray, Chief Sales Officer, RAIN Group
The phrase win-win negotiation has such a nice ring to it. It appeals to our better instincts. If we adhere to the tenets of win-win negotiation, we not only get the best results, but also do it while maintaining our values that we can expand the pie, and everyone can come out better for it.
True, except when the person on the other side has their hand in your pocket.
In late 2019, a novel coronavirus emerged in the Hubei province of China.
On 5 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) published their first Disease Outbreak News about the virus.
A week later (13 January) there was the first confirmed case outside of China.
By 25 January 2020, COVID-19 had reached Australia.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been impacting Australian industry since it arrived here at the beginning of 2020.
In 1969, Laurence J. Peter made the sweeping claim that “in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to [their] level of incompetence.” This statement is known as The Peter Principle and if you presume that it is accurate, it suggests something quite dire: given enough time and promotions, every position in every organisation is filled by somebody incapable of fulfilling the parameters of their role.